MockV3Aggregator v0.2.2 API Reference
A mock implementation of the AggregatorV2V3Interface for testing purposes, providing a simulated price feed through interaction with a MockOffchainAggregator.
This contract inherits from:
- Combined interface that includes both AggregatorInterface and AggregatorV3Interface functionality
address public aggregator
address public proposedAggregator
uint256 public constant version
Confirms and sets a previously proposed aggregator as the current one.
function confirmAggregator ( address _aggregator) external
Parameter Type Description _aggregator address The address of the proposed aggregator
Possible Reverts
Reverts with "Invalid proposed aggregator" if _aggregator
does not match the proposed aggregator address
Initializes the mock aggregator with specified decimals and initial answer.
constructor ( uint8 _decimals, int256 _initialAnswer)
Parameter Type Description _decimals uint8 The number of decimals for the aggregator _initialAnswer int256 The initial answer to be set in the mock aggregator
Retrieves the number of decimal places used by the aggregator.
function decimals ( ) external view returns ( uint8 )
Parameter Type Description (unnamed) uint8 The number of decimals
Returns the description of the aggregator.
function description ( ) external pure returns ( string memory )
Parameter Type Description (unnamed) string The source file path of the mock aggregator
Retrieves the answer for a specific round.
function getAnswer ( uint256 roundId) external view returns ( int256 )
Parameter Type Description roundId uint256 The round ID to get the answer for
Parameter Type Description (unnamed) int256 The answer for the given round ID
Retrieves the complete round data for a specific round ID.
function getRoundData ( uint80 _roundId) external view returns ( uint80 roundId, int256 answer, uint256 startedAt, uint256 updatedAt, uint80 answeredInRound)
Parameter Type Description _roundId uint80 The round ID to get the data for
Parameter Type Description roundId uint80 The round ID answer int256 The answer for the round startedAt uint256 The timestamp when the round started updatedAt uint256 The timestamp when the round was updated answeredInRound uint80 The round ID in which the answer was computed
Retrieves the timestamp for a specific round.
function getTimestamp ( uint256 roundId) external view returns ( uint256 )
Parameter Type Description roundId uint256 The round ID to get the timestamp for
Parameter Type Description (unnamed) uint256 The timestamp for the given round ID
Retrieves the most recent answer.
function latestAnswer ( ) external view returns ( int256 )
Parameter Type Description (unnamed) int256 The latest answer
Retrieves the most recent round ID.
function latestRound ( ) external view returns ( uint256 )
Parameter Type Description (unnamed) uint256 The latest round ID
Retrieves the complete round data for the most recent round.
function latestRoundData ( ) external view returns ( uint80 roundId, int256 answer, uint256 startedAt, uint256 updatedAt, uint80 answeredInRound)
Parameter Type Description roundId uint80 The latest round ID answer int256 The latest answer startedAt uint256 The timestamp when the latest round started updatedAt uint256 The timestamp when the latest round was updated answeredInRound uint80 The round ID in which the latest answer was computed
Retrieves the timestamp of the most recent answer.
function latestTimestamp ( ) external view returns ( uint256 )
Parameter Type Description (unnamed) uint256 The timestamp of the latest answer
Proposes a new aggregator for future use.
function proposeAggregator ( AggregatorV2V3Interface _aggregator) external
Parameter Type Description _aggregator AggregatorV2V3Interface The address of the proposed aggregator
Possible Reverts
Reverts with "Proposed aggregator cannot be zero address" if _aggregator
is the zero address
Reverts with "Proposed aggregator cannot be current aggregator" if _aggregator
is the current aggregator
Updates the latest answer in the underlying mock aggregator.
function updateAnswer ( int256 _answer) public
Parameter Type Description _answer int256 The new answer to be set
Updates all data for a specific round in the underlying mock aggregator.
function updateRoundData ( uint80 _roundId, int256 _answer, uint256 _timestamp, uint256 _startedAt) public
Parameter Type Description _roundId uint80 The round ID to be updated _answer int256 The new answer to be set _timestamp uint256 The timestamp to be set _startedAt uint256 The timestamp when the round started